untitled (confetti portrait), looped animated gif of three images, proposed installation across 16 screens, dimensions variable, 2023
as banksy <3, found digital image with purple radial shadow, dimensions variable, 2022
my magical magic box (limescale series), framed inkjet print on watercolour paper, 22cm x 30cm, 2023
untitled (my precious green stones) (limescale series), framed inkjet print on watercolour paper, 22cm x 30cm, 2023
watermelon painting, found fabric on canvas stretcher, 130cm x 80cm, 2022
untitled, digital scan of a folded A4 image, 2022
, scanned photograph on high gloss paper, 5" x 7", 2023
Untitled (limescale series), digital image collage, dimensions variable, 2023
cat tent and upturned tamborine (limescale series), digital image collage, scanned inkjet print and vector square , 5" x 4", 2023
ocean obstacles (image wetting), scanned digital collage, 5" x 7", 2022
spinach orbit (after popeye), scanned digital collage, 5" x 7", 2022
quiet traffic (orange hours), digitally rendered image collage, scanned photograph on high gloss paper, 5" x 7", 2023
spinach swan, still of video projection on the inside of bullingdon road project space, looped video, dimensions variable, 2022